Edistykselliset Keskustanaiset

Edistykselliset Keskustanaiset (tai tuttujen kesken EKN) on joukon nuoria keskustalaisia naisia perustama yhdistys (Keskustanaisten Helsingin piirin osasto). Täällä pohdiskelemme yhteiskuntaa :) (Or in English- progressive thoughts on gender issues..)

tiistaina, joulukuuta 19, 2006

who cares

This is the current campaign of European Women Lobby, until next Women's day:

Women have careers, jobs, professional responsibilities, and at the same time women continue to be in large part responsible for their children, housework and care of dependants (whose numbers are increasing as the population ages). One way out of this "double life burden" for women lies firstly in changes in the gender division of work, leading to an equal sharing of caring tasks between women and men. Social and employment policies and the provision of services also have a very important part to play. This inequality in the division of task in the private sphere has a direct impact on the way in which women and men can integrate in the labour market and get involved in social life. Care policies and the provision of care services are therefore intrinsically related to the achievement of equality between women and men.


Tämä ei tietysti liity mitenkään asiaan, mutta viikonlopun kokouksesta jäi mieleen ainakin toteamus right is right, left is wrong... Voiko sitä paremmin tiivistää ;)